Gretsch Catalina Birch Drum Set Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviews5 piece fusion kit- sizes 14, 10, 12, 14(floor tom), and 22. caribbean blue. Ive only been playing drums for about five years. I play mostly punk rock (like blink 182 and similar) and some classic rock. Im in a small band with my friend. I listen to rock, mostly indie.
I found this drumset on craigslist for only $350. It was also basically brand new- there werent even marks on the heads when i got it.
The drums sound amazing. Every part is well constructed, from the hardware to each individual drum. I was originally planning to use my old 16x16 floor tom in addition to the new 14x14 one that came with the set. However, after getting the gretschs home, i put my old floor tom next to it and it sounded like an upside down trashcan compared to the new gretsch set. Overall they sound like a complete custom- and i only paid 350.
No real major problems with the set. The guy that sold them to me had them tuned way to high, on both the batter and resos- but i fixed that up real quick.. also it takes some tuning skill to get the 10in tom to not be the same exact tone as the snare, which only matters because when they match frequencies the tom rattles the snares a good bit... but after proper tuning they just sound great together.
The 8ply birch shells are amazing- and the mounting hardware that lets them hang undrilled lets the resonate amazingly. the hardware is also top notch, with spring loaded tightening and other nice features. it also comes standard with some nice evans heads- i didnt even want to switch them to remos. very nicely built set.
Overall this set is incredible. it is also priced extremely low (plus i got mine even cheaper on craigslist) each drums sounds amazing. the bass and the floor tom are punchy and you can feel the tone. and all the drums blend together perfectly.. if you have a chance to buy this set you definitely should andrew rated this unit  on 2009-06-07.
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