B.C. Rich Acrylic Series Mockingbird ReviewsBottom Line: Buy this guitar if you have patience, time, and money. It also helps to have a decent knowledge of how guitars work, because you'll need to repair it frequently. If you don't have time, patience, money or know-how, this guitar is better left sitting and looking very pretty on a shelf then being used in serious gigs. Don't be fooled ... [read more on Audiofanzine] Dr. Nile Hawver III esq rated this unit on 2002-11-14.Great guitar, I think I got a serious bang for my bucks. I ordered it as a party guitar because of its looks, and found it to be one of the best sounding in my collection. Its true that the acrylic body is heavy as hell, but the sustain and throw from this thing is massive as a result and more than makes up for it! Havent had it long enough to f... [read more on Audiofanzine] Rio rated this unit on 2002-02-18.More B.C. Rich Electric_Guitars |
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