B.C. Rich Warlock Bronze ReviewsMost reviews say that this guiatr is realy bad, well its not. In some points its even better than the Warlock NJ series (doesn't break so easily). The sound is clean and very nice, and the strings are easy to replace. Great quality and low price! [read more on Audiofanzine] Valdris rated this unit on 2004-05-08.Whether you're buying your first ax or adding one to a collection, the B.C. Rich Warlock deserves some serious recognition and should be put under extreme consideration. I give it my full recommendation. There you have my opinion on a purchase worthy guitar. Thank you [read more on Audiofanzine] Joe Delaurier rated this unit on 2003-01-23.EVERYONE SHOULD GET A WARLOCK CASUE MICK IS AWESOME ON IT AND U CAN BE TOO. [read more on Audiofanzine] PUNK NEVER DIES rated this unit on 2002-11-09.It will blow your mind!!!!!!!!!!!!! [read more on Audiofanzine] HarrisonRich316 rated this unit on 2002-05-14. |
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