Epiphone Les Paul LP-100 ReviewsThis guitar is a satisfactory intermediate level guitar for anyone who has been playing the guitar for longer than a year and is ready to step up from the entry level $100 range. It doesn't compare with Gibson Les Paul models in either sound quality, woods/hardware, construction quality, etc. But is also doesn't compare in price, luckily. It so... [read more on Audiofanzine] tarrtime rated this unit on 2013-02-13.This is just a throwaway guitar, honestly. It would be a decent prop for a music video, as long as the camera wasn't HD or zoomed in too close. It really is that bad - if I were on a super tight budget, I'd try to look elsewhere, like an Ibanez. If the classic styling is that important to you, just save up for an Epiphone Les Paul Standard - you... [read more on Audiofanzine] heads on fire rated this unit on 2012-01-30.These guitars are pretty inexpensive so you can find them pretty easily for right around $250. That is a pretty good price for someone who doesn't have a whole lot of money and wants to get this type of sound out of their instrument. I would recommend this guitar to someone who is looking for a Les Paul focused tone and doesn't want to spend a... [read more on Audiofanzine] iamqman rated this unit on 2011-12-08.I bought this from my friend, cost 200 (usd), really not used too much... Great guitar with low prize. Get it if you don't have much money. Junkey rated this unit on 2001-12-03.More Epiphone Electric_Guitars |
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