Fender American Standard Stratocaster Hardtail Reviews 5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI had this guitar "special ordered" at Guitar Center in Rancho Cucamonga, CA since I could not seem to find any dealer anywhere that carry a hardtail version of the Stratocaster. I had a Telecaster at one time that seemed to have greater tone and sustain than my current American Standard that has a tremolo system, so I wanted a Strat without the trem setup. I paid $829 for the guitar.
The instrument is beautiful, and was delivered needing no setup. It rocked right out of the case. I rarely use a tremolo system in my playing so it is not missed and is more than made up for in sustain and sonic clarity. This guitar cost the same as the standard tremolo equipped guitars that were on the walls at Sam Ash and Guitar Center. But you have to ask them to order one for you.
There is nothing to dislike about this guitar, it plays beautifully and sounds awesome. It's nice to look at as well, true functional art.
I have the Olympic White model, ash body, maple neck and fingerboard. Since there is no tremolo system, the only wood missing from the back of the guitar is where the six string holes come through, which makes for a very clean look. The construction is rock solid. This guitar sounds awesome even when it is not plugged in. All hardware and electronics function cleanly. Stays in tune.
If you are looking for a Stratocaster and have no use for a tremolo, ask the guy behind the counter to order one of these for you as you're not likely to find one of them on the wall. If they do have one, play it. You will not be disappointed.
Edward Kelly rated this unit on 2004-01-22.
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