Gibson Customized 59 Standard Reviews 5

I payed £2000 for my custom version but you can get an uncustomised version for £1500. I got mine from Curlys in Liverpool England but i ordered through Gibson USA

I love the guitar, it comes with a cool case and the colours are stunning. The tone you get out of the V pickups are quality and not any pickup can beat. They are very versatile and can be used for anything. The 52 head was small and nice with a full tone from the body

I love everything but you do need to clean it a bit just the regular old maintenance checks to keep it sounding cool and looking god darn sassy!

It is in one word indestructible, it is a heavy solid version of the 59 version but it is quality with AAA flamed top and mahogany body. The 60's neck i ordered is versatile and fast although a fat 50's version is acquirable

I love it, sounds cool and ready for anything this is a guitar no THE guitar to buy and it is just fantastic. But just for the aesthetics get it in 59 heritage cherryburst!

GibsonDaley rated this unit 5 on 2004-02-11.

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