Hagstrom Model III ReviewsIt was my dad's guitar. Its the best, if you find one in a guitar store, it probably wont be cheap, but get it! There arent many left in the world nowadays. I love the Hagstrom 3. Raymond Piatt rated this unit on 2004-03-05.Got it from a friend for Free! when I first put this thing in my hands, it felt really natural. The guy who had it before me said that it was shot, and he was right... ALL of the wires, capacitors, etc. were taken out. I've tried and tried to find more information on how it was wired, and what all of the switches did when you twiddle them, but I'm thinkin of wiring straigt on/off for the 3 pickups and just going on with it :) Eddie T rated this unit on 2003-04-15.More Hagstrom Electric_Guitars |
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