Ibanez AS-200 ReviewsI have had my AS-200 for 3 years now and bought it for 250 new. The thing I like the most is the hollow-body design. The thing I dislike the most of the placement of the input jack. It is on the bottom of the guitar and I have had mine pushed into the body twice needing repair. The hollow-body has a thin shell so the input can be forced into the... [read more on Audiofanzine] spiritfingers rated this unit on 2009-02-02.This is essentially the instrument (without coil-splitting) that John Scofield (the jazz giant!) has been using his whole career. If my AS-200 guitar got lost or stolen, I'd definitely have to special order one from Ibanez! [read more on Audiofanzine] Bob Sims rated this unit on 2002-12-17.More Ibanez Electric_Guitars |
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