Ibanez GAX75 ReviewsI have owned guitars that cost 100 times the price of the 75. I am a studio guitarist, and I was looking for a basic lead workhorse. I played 30 guitars before I picked this out. This blows most american guitars away. I had no clue of the price when I picked this up. When the kid at the counter told me I took two of them. [read more on Audiofanzine] mm rated this unit on 2006-03-20.Great beginner, even intermediate guitar. Has an excellent sound, I couldn't have asked for a better guitar. IBANEZ ALL THE WAY!!! [read more on Audiofanzine] Adam rated this unit on 2004-06-07.Its a good buy, durable, plays good, sounds good, and won't break you up. But the bottem line is how useful a drop D tuner is, once you have one, ull never want one without it. Im 110% satisfied. [read more on Audiofanzine] Tyler Justice rated this unit on 2004-05-29.Overall... this is a good beginners guitar... but Im looking for a new one... because this thing has taken its course... and there are other guitars of equal price that are much better... [read more on Audiofanzine] Brian rated this unit on 2002-06-19.This is my favorite guitar by far that I have owned. I do not regret buying it. It plays very good, and plus, it just looks so damn cool! [read more on Audiofanzine] schroeder206 rated this unit on 2002-04-14.More Ibanez Electric_Guitars |
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