Samick MB1 Electric Reviews 4

I was looking for a "starter" guitar for my 14 year old son. The local music shop - Arrowhead music, in Mentor Ohio (44060) had the usual array of epiphones, fender knockoffs and the like. Then we saw the small Samick MB1 display with "highly recommended" written above and a price of $189. Chuck, the sales person told us that it was the best buy in the store and that he would back it up. Bought it.

The Malibu or MB1 has that classic Strat like appearance and is designed well especially for its price range. The rock maple neck, compact body and solid construction are far beyond what has been available in the under $200 unit till now. The sound is fresh and warm at the same time and the unit is ideal for a learner or re-learner.

The provided tremilo bar is always either too loose or too tight and hard to use. This model comes "as is" in three coices of color with no choices of neck finish or ability to customize.

The construction and design by Greg Bennett is unparalleled anywhere near this price range. The maple neck, angled headstock and chrome hardware make it look and sound like more than the price would suggest. The fit and finish details are all there.

The MB1, though not anywhere near in a league with the big, familiar, big dollar electrics is one heck of a value. The stuff that counts is all there. This guitar with its rock maple neck, angled headstock and finely designed appearance can hold its own. You have to play it to truly appreciate its fresh warm sound and effortless action. Its not a $600+ tried- and true from a common name, but I'm guessing this best kept secret will soon get out. I've never seen such quality, materials, fit/finish or design beauty in a guitar costing $300, let alone >$200.

Adam Stalhuth rated this unit 4 on 2004-10-10.

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