Samick Ultramatic UM-3 Reviews 5

Well, I just won a church competition so my mom gave me some money towards a new guitar. I was at a local music shop (Hendricksons in Turlock, CA) when I saw this. It was a Emerald Green type color with a quilt top. I had admired it for a few months just for it's looks, but when I picked it up, it was love. Then the guy at the store said how they had a rent-to-own type thing so I got it. It was $550.

I love the looks. It has a great flamed top with an Emerald green type finish, which I stated earlier. Plus it has an arched top and an extremely thin body, making it very light and comfortable on your shoulders. The pickups are good. It also has two strap buttons on the button so you can choose if you want it attatched higher or lower on your guitar. Also, it has a set neck which is awesome.

The only thing I didn't like were the stock strings (way too light, like .009's I think). They were soon replaced by D'addario .012's, so all's good.

Great construction and quality, love every aspect of it.

Overall, a great guitar. I wish I could add something like "except the fact that it ..." or "but it doesn't" to make this a little more interesting ... but there's nothing I dislike about this unit.

Alan B.C. rated this unit 5 on 2004-04-04.

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