Yamaha Pacifica 312H ReviewsHi guys,
At the moment I'm working in Japan and having had to sell my Gordon Smith @GS-1 while at Uni, I was anxious to get something quick but not too crappy. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that a rand new Jap Strat in Japan costs \38,000, or 210 pounds! So I tried a Standard Fender Japan and it was pretty nice, maybe lacking in character a bit but the real deal. I was just about to buy it when I noticed an earthing problem and the guys in the shop
1- Didn't speak much English (I've no Japanese)
2- Seemed fazed by a simple earthing problem.
So I looked to see if there was another strat around with a rosewood fretboard and noticed this Pacifica for the same price, with gold hardware and a quilted maple top. I discovered that this guitar, which is better than a strat and the same price in Japan, is 350pounds in Britain. I stopped feeling dissapointed at not getting a killer deal when I realised that in fact Fender are ripping everyone off in the UK. A Japanese made Fender Strat is at least...what? 550 pounds? I wil never buy a Fender guitar again. Stick with Yamaha guys. Steve from Glasgow rated this unit on 2004-01-14.More Yamaha Electric_Guitars |
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