Boss MT-2 Metal Zone Reviews 5

Boss MT-2 Metal Zone

For those who is looking for a good effect pedal, get the MT-2. For those who is thinking of upgrading their effect pedal, get the MT-2. For those who already owned a effect pedal, TROW it away and GET the MT-2. For those who loves Heavy Metal, For Goodness Sake, Get The Friggin MT-2!!! [read more on Audiofanzine]

Cheong rated this unit 5 on 2004-01-18.

Okay... Good range for metal, bad for nu metal. U can still play that stuff it's just that u'll have to lower ur tuning slightly (which is why i got a distortion pedal in the end anyway, so i wouln't have 2). Now the other big thing is the fight between the digitech metal master and the metal zone, well...IF U WANNA PLAY NU METAL GO WITH THE DIG... [read more on Audiofanzine]

bLiStErLiP wAnNaBe rated this unit 4 on 2003-10-01.

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