DR Neon Green Guitar Strings Reviews 5

I checked out the new Neon series electric guitar strings made by DR. I added them to Gibson Explorer for a couple of gigs. Let's face it: they are designed and sold to look cool. They are not the best sounding string, but more a conversation piece. Not bad strings, just well you should probably buy them for looks more than tone.

I first saw these on a guitar at my local music shop and said, 'I need a set right now!' The shop had neon pink and neon green. I went with the green, just because well I didn't feel manly enough to rock a pink set of strings. They come in Lights, Mediums and Heavy. I think they cost me around $10-$11.

You will get plenty of looks playing neon strings. Not all of them are good looks, but hey, it's a conversation starter. They sound new for awhile because of the K3 Technology coating.

It is a different feeling string. The string is very soft. It will take a day or so of playing until your fingers are used to the texture of the strings.

Finish is eye-popping, they look crazy under lighting. Checkout DRs site for their photo gallery. The Feel is different. The coated feeling is very prominent. These strings may break a world record for life which is thanks to the coating.

Spice things up, throw some neon strings on your instrument! Why does the singer and the drummer need to get all the attention?

Billy rated this unit 5 on 2011-02-23.

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