JP Guitar Tool Reviews 3

The Guitar Tool by JP is basically a Swiss Army Knife built for guitarists. It comes in a handy pouch that can loop around a belt loop or well I just throw it all in the front pouch of my gig bag. It has saved me from at least a dozen near mishaps on the job.

Saw this at my local guitar shop. I wanted something that was strictly marketed at a Guitar Tool and not a knife since occasionally I have to fly to a gig and well you need to be real careful if you're a musician trying to fly with gear. I don't remember what I paid. A quick Google search shows these going for anywhere from $15-$25.

I use the screw drivers and allen keys the most. There are four different sized allen keys, a bridge pin puller (great for acoustics!) a Phillips and flat head screwdrivers and a string cutting, which in a pinch can act as a wire stripper.

I have had the string cutter lock up on me a few times at home and I needed to grab a flat head screwdriver out to pry it open again. If cutting strings, give a quick and firm snip.

It is made from stainless steel. Like too many things it is designed in the US and then made in China. It works well other than the string cutter jamming occasionally.

A great all in one tool to throw in your gig bag just in case of an emergency. It won't replace a good set of tools at home, it will just save your butt on the gig.

Billy rated this unit 3 on 2011-05-25.

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