Fender Acoustasonic Jr. ReviewsIt's a decent amp but the acoustasonic pro is much better. The problem is that it's not just paying an extra 100-200 bucks for a better amp. It's a significant change in cost because you have to go up into the thousands. But in the long haul, you will be stuck with a much better amp, more effects and make your guitar shine with pride. Just ma... [read more on Audiofanzine] Jason Simons rated this unit on 2001-12-22.For the cost the amp is good. Sometimes I wish I just spent the extra $200-$300 and got the higher end Fender Acoustasonic Amps for more effects, more instrument hookups, higher gain possiblities, etc. [read more on Audiofanzine] Vinman rated this unit on 2001-06-26.More Fender Guitar_Amplifiers |
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