Laney HMC10 Reviews 3 / 5 based on 1 reviewsBought it at a shop called "förstärkardoktorn" (www.forstarkardoktorn.com) and payed about 600kroner (65usdollar)
for it.
It was cheap, has a distortion built in, and you can plugg a cd-player inte i, playing along with any song you might like, you could also plugg the amp into a set of head phones to play in the middle of the night, or a stereo with a couple of good speakers and improve the sound quit a bit.
It is only a 10w amplifier, so you can't play really high without messing up the sound totaly.
10watt amplifier.
Dist. function.
you can plugg in cd-player,
Headphones, speakers or your computer to it.
It works as a practice amplifier, but it leaves you wanting something better. Fredrik Wahlgren rated this unit on 2004-11-25.
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