Danelectro Pepperoni Phaser Pedal Reviews 3 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI bought this off my friend because it was my first pedal. He gave it to me for $20.
This Pedal was pretty cool. You can go from, slightly phased to the freakin "Doors".
Its very versatile, its lightweight, easy to use, and easy to repair(but only if your good with electronics).
It doesnt have very good sound. Its noisy, and it eats up the batteries very quickly. you have to unplug all the cables when your not using it or it will run the batteries down even if the amp isnt on. I give this pedal about a 3.5 or a 4 at the maximum. I wouldnt recommend buying this, and thats why im not recommending it.
It has a plastic shell and a rubber base. The bottom comes off easily with a flat-blade screwdriver. The on switch and the setting switch are made of metal. It has a DC9V jack, an in jack, and an out jack.
Dont buy this unless you are a collector. This pedal kinda sucks without the kinda. So if you buy it your a moron. gibsonman540 rated this unit on 2004-08-04.
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