Digitech Gen X2 ReviewsI was looking for a pedal board that wasn't too big. I first tried the Boss-ME33 at Long & Mcquade in Vancouver, Canada. Took it back after a day.
I looked at the Digitech, and liked the fact that I could turn off effects, Delay, Stompbox and switch amplifiers, without cahngijng patches, thereby avoiding the annoying cutting-out of the guitar signal between switching.
It was $500,- Canadian.
Which I thought was a pretty good deal. Even if I only used the tuner, delay and chorus effects, it was worth it.
I spent a couple of hours reprogramming the presets for rehearsal the next day. Most of the time I spent dialing in the dsitrotion.
I went in the next day, hooked it up to the Fender vibrolux. I play a '72 tele. And it sounded awesome. I am exetremely happy with the board. I think it is a great unit. I think it would be cool if they could incorporate the "Learn-A-Lick" function, so you could use it as a mini phrase sampler for live. Maybe in a future software update they could change that. Also, It would be cool if the V-switch could be programmed also. So you could have a volume pedal, that can be switched to some other pre-programmed parameter. Henchman rated this unit on 2002-12-10.More Digitech Guitar_Effects |
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