Equation Alpha Series Kit Reviews  3 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI'm a drummer. I'm originally from Brazil. I play in a band called Glint.
Equation is fairly new company in the music industry. Last year I had a chance to put my hands on their Alpha Series Microphones specially designed for drum set applications. It's a 8 mics pack (including 2 cardioids, 2 super cardioid, a big super cardioid for the kick and 3 condensers) that comes in a nice soft case. I have used them on my home-studio and they have a descent response. They can also be use for recording acoustic guitars and horns. It comes in a nice soft case.
You can buy the whole package from a price that range from $150 to $200.
I liked the DMI.102S, I think it's the best mic of this kit. I got some very cool sound with it.
One big down side of this mic kit is the mounting clips for toms and snare. Not only they can't get very close to the skin (unless that's something you don't intend to do) but they have these cheap plastic made screws to connect to the mic, really easy to ruin and not very stable. You will be better if you connect the mic to a mic stand. The clips can become a headache. The DMI.104.SLF mic designed for the bass drum it was a little disappointing, I was expecting to get a nicer low end response.
The Equation Alpha Series microphone kit is specially designed for drum sets. The kit is comprised by the 3 super cardioids, 2 cardioids and 3 condensers mics.The outside construction is pretty neat, they have a cool look, but the clip are a bit disappointing.
It's an economical solution to mic your drum set. mtebaldi rated this unit  on 2010-05-11.
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