Crate PX700DLX Powered Mixer Reviews 4

Mail order from Musicians Friend. I purchased the unit for live theatre sound reinforcement using condensor and wireless mics; also electric piano. I paid $400 for the unit.

The mix of 7 mic and line level channels in conjunction with three levels of per channel equalization and twin 7 band main/monitor equalizers. Also the price!

One should use higher output condensor mics in order to keep a good overall signal to noise ratio at the speakers. The mixer only has three mixing buses (i.e. no presend effects) and no stereo effects return

The unit is a solid carpeted box. The front plate is clearly laid out and the heatsinks are adequate for live theatre operation (but not for heavy duty disco)

This powered mixer has many features for the price. It has plenty of head room for music peaks, The channel and master gains should be kept below 3/4 setting to stay reasonably quiet during quiet periods. Best used with condensor mics.

Dave Breton rated this unit 4 on 2001-06-30.

Mail order from Musicians Friend. I purchased the unit for live theatre sound reinforcement using condensor and wireless mics; also electric piano. I paid $400 for the unit.

The mix of 7 mic and line level channels in conjunction with three levels of per channel equalization and twin 7 band main/monitor equalizers. Also the price!

One should use higher output condensor mics in order to keep a good overall signal to noise ratio at the speakers. The mixer only has three mixing buses (i.e. no presend effects) and no stereo effects return.

The unit is a solid carpeted box. The front plate is clearly laid out and the heatsinks are adequate for live theatre operation (but not for heavy duty disco).

This powered mixer has many features for the price. It has plenty of head room for music peaks, The channel and master gains should be kept below 3/4 setting to stay reasonably quiet during quiet periods. Best used with condensor mics.

Dave Breton rated this unit 4 on 2001-06-27.

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