Boss BR-1600 Recording Workstation Reviews 4

Boss  BR-1600 Recording Workstation

The Boss BR-1600CD is a well made digital multitrack recorder with an efficient interface and well places sliders and buttons. This recorded has plenty of effects on it that you can use with anyth... [read more on Audiofanzine]

JimboSpins rated this unit 4 on 2012-12-11.

The BR1600-CD is the BOSS flagship multi-track digital console recorder. The "CD" designation on the end of the part number indicates that there is a CD burner on-board the console so that when you... [read more on Audiofanzine]

racerevlon rated this unit 4 on 2012-08-31.

Great overall recording "workstation" that allows a musician (who is not a techie) to master the thing within 2-3 days and concentrate on making music in a very efficient manner. Outstanding sound and high quality additional tools all in one box for $1000. [read more on Audiofanzine]

gatorblue rated this unit 5 on 2008-01-07.

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