Carvin PA602 PA System Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI bought this Carvin PA system at my local Carvin plant/showroom in San Diego, California. For $489 I got a PA 602 6 channel mixer, 2 805 speaker cabinets (10" woofer, two tweeters and horn) and a carvin CM50 mic.
The unit is hard core powerful, I mean it's just loud and I really like it. It's great for my band to use and it has enough ballocks for club dates. I like the digital effects on it, but just the fact that it is 200 watts and I bought it at the same place it was made was big reassurance (i don't like amps/guitars made anywhere but the US)
Well, I don't know, I just wish it had more channels and that the units had tolex covering rather than carpet.
The units are very sturdy and will last a while. I like that the speaker cabs hav a metal grill over them. What i don't like about this is that all the units (mixer and 2 speakers) are covered in carpet. I would rather have had a tolex covering.
If you're in a band and need a PA go for it, if your a solo performer who just uses an acoustic and you're voice, get this. Jonathan rated this unit  on 2002-07-05.
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