Gemini CDJ-20 Professional CD Player Reviews  4 / 5 based on 1 reviewsPaid about $200 online at Musician's Friend. Needed another CD player for my rig. Seem to be getting a lot of walk ups looking for single tracks in the middle of one of my mix downs so this will make it easier to switch out combined with my other single.
Top loading is a nice feature, as is the jog wheel. The digital output helps me attain pristine sound quality as I run optical cables to my amps. The pitch bend is a neat feature, but mainly a novelty, still it's nice to have. The 10-40 second switchable anti-shock functionality is where it's at though. This is the best darn feature on this player. I know that it's a common feature, but it's the main thing I like about this unit.
Finally, the instant start feature really helps you get that track fired up fast. No waiting. The CD tray must spin up to speed immediately because you literally won't believe it.
I guess if I had to pick something, I'd say that I'm a little concerned about dropping the unit. The quality seems there, but the cosnstruction just feels a little light for a pro CD player. Just my opinion, and certainly not something I'm terribly concerned about.
Please see above. I mention that the construction is suspect, but that's only when being really pushed for something to nit pick about. Overall, it's a nice unit.
So many features, so little to not like and for the price? I don't think you can beat it. It's not perfect, but it's a nice unit in a price range that will put a smile on many DJs faces. I would recommend this unit based on price and feature set alone. I've only had it for a few months though so I can't really speak about longevity. D-Jason rated this unit  on 2003-11-03.
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