Nady XA-900 Power Amp Reviews  1 / 5 based on 1 reviewsFrom Musician's Friend for $200.00. Needed a good power amp for my band without spending a lot of money. Bad mistake.
It sounded and performed okay while it actually worked. Pushed a decent good amount of power.
It doesn't work! This amp it total crap after you use it for a short while! Here's what happened to my band: We bought one to use with 2 PA speakers and all went well for a few months until we turned it on one day and Channel B got fried. We thought this was just a freak maybe because of the vocal processor we had just bought. WRONG! We bought another to use while we shipped the first one back to Nady to be replaced. Right in the middle of a gig, Channel B on the SECOND amp blew!
Horrible. We bought 2 amps, Channel B on both blew!
This amp is horrible. Do not buy it, it will screw you over. Also, Nady doesn't issue refunds. If I could give this amp a
negative 100 I would. josh rated this unit  on 2004-01-18.
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