PennyGiles CrossFader Reviews 5

I got it on ebay but it costs about a hundred $ at stores.

The crossfader offers a very short cut-in-time (about 0.5 to 1 mm) and is EXTREMLY durable. Plus you can tune it easily as you can open it and change every part of it seperatly. With this feature you don't have to buy a new crossfader when only one part of it doesn't work any more. Besides that you can get it to every feel that you like.

Gets stiff after a few weeks if you don't cover the mixer with a cloth (dust).

As I said before: you may buy every part of it. Penny & Giles faders have been constructed for areospace and studio use so they really last very long. It has FOUR contacts so the lack of a magnetic system isn't a reason not to buy it.

There isn't a better crossfader for your Vestax, UMX, Stanton, whatever. Scratch djs will love its cut in time and feel. Club djs can always count on it so if you're looking for a new crossfader: try this one.

Manuel rated this unit 5 on 2003-10-31.

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