T-Racks Mastering Software ReviewsIf you are trying to get a good master, you can just open this up and almost instantly get one with out any problems. I do suggest getting more in depth with it though so you can really use it to its full potential. Because if you are going to spend this amount of money on it, you don?t want to just rely on the preset to get you your master. Eve... [read more on Audiofanzine] theaudioandvideoguy rated this unit on 2012-07-24.I've had the T-Racks Mastering Software for about a year. It is a really convenient and quick way to master mixes. The plug-in is reasonably priced and has an equalizer, a tube compressor, and a multi-band limiter. It also has sections for output leveling, presets, fading in and out and setting it to either mono or stereo. I like this mastering ... [read more on Audiofanzine] moosers rated this unit on 2009-01-28.Its a great buy. It took my Cakewalk mixes to another level of production. [read more on Audiofanzine] Icaboyd rated this unit on 2003-03-11.More T-Racks Recording_Gear |
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